Tom La Dell, joint director of Brogdale Collections, has a piece in the Fruit Forum pointing out that this year is not just the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, but Brogdale fruit collection’s as well.
Public access to the Defra owned National Fruit Collection is managed by Brogdale Collections (at no cost to Defra) and we are expanding what we offer in everything about fruit from the history of the varieties and the way fruit was grown (mostly in gardens) to the future, the development of new varieties and why people would be wise to eat more fruit for their own health, especially in Britain.
Rejoice! No word on what the charges might be for getting hold of germplasm. Ah, but:
Verified trees became important for breeding new varieties and the Collection is now part of the international community of The International Treaty of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation.