Nibbles: ISSS, SeedWorld, Farmers Pride, GRIN-U, Indian rematriation, NZ potatoes, European farming

  1. 13th Triennial Meeting of the International Society for Seed Science: Note in particular Dr Chris Ojiewo of ICRISAT on “Seed systems supporting legume crop improvement.”
  2. Latest SeedWorld: Note in particular the article on QPM (quality protein maize) from CIMMYT (go to p 53).
  3. NordGen’s Write-up of the Farmers’ Pride conference “Ensuring Diversity for Food and Agriculture”: Note in particular Dr Maria Bönisch on the first official network for crop wild relatives in Europe.
  4. GRIN-U — Training resources for plant genetic resources conservation: Note in particular the genebank tours.
  5. The John Innes Centre genebank sends some wheat back to India. The Benin Bronzes next?
  6. Taewa, the Maori potato, gets a nice write-up. No word on returning it to somewhere in South America.
  7. Young researchers helping European farmers diversify. How about by using Indian wheat and Maori potatoes?