- British hill sheep in trouble.
- Canadian maple syrup in trouble.
- Fruits good for you.
- Native urban plants in trouble. How many crop wild relatives among them?
- “If the world learned to feed itself half a century ago, why are there now more hungry people than ever before?” Er … I dunno. Either-orism?
- “Almost all of the 300 experts at a two-day food forum in Rome this week agreed that between them they had all the answers to how to feed the world in 2050, but doubted they would have the political support to do it.” Alert the media!
- “Erosion of Crop Diversity Worrying“. Malawian plant breeder speaks.
- British wildflowers in trouble, prince says? How many crop wild relatives among them? Does prince know? Care?
- Indian crops in trouble.
Global Hunger Index goes interactive
The Global Hunger Index for 2009 has just been released with a very cool interactive map (see above). ((Only drawback: it allows you to drop the pin in the ocean and other places where there are no data.)) There’s a general release from our friends at IFPRI and one focused on sub-Saharan Africa.
Coincidentally, or not, this just in: ((Well, well, well. The original story we linked to has disappeared, to be replaced by a less-than-informative error page. And looking at the new link, it is easy to see why. iAfrica.com broke the embargo, which specifies “NOT FOR PUBLICATION/BROADCASTING BEFORE 04H00 ON 15 OCTOBER 2009”. Doesn’t specify the time zone, mind. Anyway, we have no compunction about leaving our story up, given that we were originally quoting iAfrica.com. They broke the embargo, not us. So there.))
Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, on Thursday will urge governments, donors, researchers, farmer groups, environmentalists, and others to set aside old divisions and join forces to help millions of the world’s poorest farming families boost their yields and incomes so they can lift themselves out of hunger and poverty.
Gates will say the effort must be guided by the farmers themselves, adapted to local circumstances, and sustainable for the economy and the environment.
The occasion for both news items is the award, tomorrow, of the World Food Prize to Dr Gebisa Ejeta.
Empty vessels and GMOs
You know the old story about the two women ranting at one another from their respective doorsteps on opposite sides of a narrow street. And a passing wit ((You can continue to think it was Dr Johnson; I check someone else’s sources.)) remarked: “They will never agree, for they argue from different premises”. That’s how I feel about almost everything and everyone involved in almost every kind of discussion of genetic engineering.
Watch, if you will, this extract from a longer discussion with Michael Pollan, foodsayer extraordinaire.
Now, tell me, what exactly did he say that might cause someone else to say
I’m thinking he is just another tool. Now he suddenly supports “open source” genetic engineering…absolutely not….playing god/artifically manipulating DNA is not our place.
What’s with the “scare quotes”? How does a self-described seed breeder manage to elide playing god with artificially manipulating DNA?
I’m reminded of another quote, this one definitely attributable to Woody Allen. It runs something like this ((And stap me if I can’t find a source.))
The great advantage of being smart is that you can always act like an imbecile, while the reverse is never possible.
Hell yeah.
Tragedy of a bad title
Like lots of better-informed people, I too had not heard of Elinor ((Those who know call her Lin.)) Ostrom, who shared this year’s Nobel Prize for Economics. But when Luigi alerted me this morning to the award, and I read what he called a “place-marker” post, I had only one reaction.
Many years ago I corresponded a bit with Garrett Hardin, whose paper in Science provided the title for Luigi (and scores of others) to riff on. In the course of that, I said that I didn’t think that the average commons was much of a tragedy, given the various examples he cited of a well-managed commons. And he replied to the effect that the title of that paper was one of his biggest mistakes. He should have called it The Tragedy of the Mismanaged Commons.
Of course I treasure that letter, along with a few others, which is why I kept it somewhere very safe, which is why I cannot now lay my hands on it. And I think of it whenever people assume, as they do all too often, that a commons is inevitably tragic.
All of which hardly matters at all, except that it seems we really ought to know more about Ostrom’s work. Bits and pieces are blipping into life on the radar screen, and will clearly require some study.
This, from Tyler Cowan, is helpful.
For Ostrom it’s not the tragedy of the commons but the opportunity of the commons. Not only can a commons be well-governed but the rules which help to provide efficiency in resource use are also those that foster community and engagement. A formally government protected forest, for example, will fail to protect if the local users do not regard the rules as legitimate. In Hayekian terms legislation is not the same as law. Ostrom’s work is about understanding how the laws of common resource governance evolve and how we may better conserve resources by making legislation that does not conflict with law.
I like the idea of “legislation that does not conflict with law”. And this series of posts will clearly repay study.
However, we would like to extend an invitation to anyone out there who would consider rewarding us, and our readers, with a better account of how Ostrom’s ideas might apply in particular to agricultural biodiversity, as a global commons, as a public good, as anything, frankly. You write it, we’ll stick it up here.
Commons not tragic after all
Elinor Ostrom has challenged the conventional wisdom that common property is poorly managed and should be either regulated by central authorities or privatized. Based on numerous studies of user-managed fish stocks, pastures, woods, lakes, and groundwater basins, Ostrom concludes that the outcomes are, more often than not, better than predicted by standard theories. She observes that resource users frequently develop sophisticated mechanisms for decision-making and rule enforcement to handle conflicts of interest, and she characterizes the rules that promote successful outcomes.
And for that very agrobiodiversity-relevant insight she has just won the Nobel Prize for Economics.