Nibbles: Evolution, Kimchi, Ancient date, C4FRC, US wine history, Fishing, Kew Cucurbita erection, Old wine, Orange cassava

Nibbles: Russian ‘rooms, CWFS, Small farmers and their systems, CABI pest maps, Aussie aid, Seed saving pod, Fiji video, CWR conference, Baobab & peanut festivals, Caribbean meets, Irish food security meet, Potty for pots, Salty microbes, Domesticated stomata, Bayer in Hyderabad

Nibbles: Gardeners meet, Aussie wheat breeding, Sunflower Man, Crop phenology, AEGIS on rye, AVRDC birthday, Long tail, CWR talks

Happy World Chocolate Day!

chocoThe previous post about the International Treaty on ITPGRFA allows me to segue seamlessly to today’s World Cocoa and Chocolate Day event at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad. Seamlessly, I hear you ask? Stretching a point, surely. Well, no, because everyone knows that the International Cocoa Genebank, maintained at said institution’s Cocoa Research Centre, is one of the collections which are available in the Multilateral System of the Treaty under its Article 15. You can tour the place, you know. Anyway, I’m hoping one of my inside people will come through with some photos of the celebrations. Stay tuned.