Linking archaeology and agrobiodiversity

It was probably a silly thing to say. A couple of days ago I briefly mentioned the models that researchers have built, based on present-day genetic data on Europeans, to understand the rate and pattern of human movement into the continent during the Neolithic. And I made the throw-away comment that I wasn’t aware of similar models for crops. I sort of instantly regretted it, and last night did some googling.

At first I thought perhaps I was right after all. I found a recent (2006) paper whose abstract says:

Thus far, no attempts have been made to track the movement of the founder genetic stocks of the first crop plants from their core area based on the genetic structure of living plants.

Further on, though, the authors say they’ve done just that for wheat. And I also found reference to a “Domestication of Europe” project which sought

to determine the extent to which phylogeographical analysis of modern landraces of barley and wheat, combined with examination of ancient DNA in preserved specimens, can reveal genetic information pertaining to the spread and establishment of cereal cultivation from its points of origin in Southwest Asia into and through Europe.

I think the project must have run from 2003-2006. The Glyn Daniel Laboratory for Archaeogenetics at Cambridge was one of the labs involved, and some of the work, and other related research projects, is described on its website.

So there are people out there trying to link up the archaeology and human genetics of agricultural spread in Europe with the genetics of crops and livestock. Is it too early for a Grand Synthesis?

2 Replies to “Linking archaeology and agrobiodiversity”

  1. The Jarred Diamond fan in me tends to come alive late night after red wine. So maybe its stupid to leave this reply right now, but heck, I’m in the mood for grand synthesises. A few years back an article in Nature combined not only archaeology and agricultural dispersal but also added linguistics, and as if that was not enough they applied statistical methods from genomics to derive linguistic trees! Very cool, but probably total hubris… If anyone knows what happened to these guys and their theory it would be interesting to hear.

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