A very informative contribution came in today from the moderator of the DAD-Net e-discussion on analyzing threats to animal genetic resources, listing a number of success stories:
1. Incentives have been used in several cases to conserve and even rescue breeds that were nearly extinct because of the reduction in population size due to the elimination by more productive breeds. Several examples are provided by the EuReCa (European Regional cattle Breeds) network in their breed of the month archive. The site for each breed also shows how breed societies can be effective in the management of AnGR. Notable cases include: Eastern Finncattle, Kerry cattle, Polish Red.
2. Exploration of niche markets through the branding of products from an endangered breed can reverse the trend of a particular breed.
3. Effect of the expansion of industrialised agriculture on indigenous breeds and how the breeds were driven almost to extinction.
4. How crossbreeding programmes (to increase productivity) coupled with unfavourable policies can be a threat to indigenous AnGR. See story on the Vechur cattle breed in India and how it was rescued from extinction.