We have this beautiful wheat in our collection, received from Sharon Rempel. However, we cannot trace it coming from the NLD. Utrecht area was not a wheatgrowing area. In the early 1900s durum and emmer was not grown in NLD. If any one knows its origin, please let us know!
— Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (@CGN_Wageningen) June 12, 2018
Can you help our friends at CGN? There is a wheat of this name in Genesys whose origin is given as Canada, but I can find no Utrecht in that country.
Considering that the Dutch are good at trade, the name could refer to the place where someone sourced the seed. There are other blue seeded wheat varieties eg Tschermaks Blaukörniger Weizen https://www.dreschflegel-shop.de/getreide-koernerfruechte/weizenarten/2290/sommerweizen-tschermaks-blaukoerniger
A.C. Zeven (1991) Wheats with purple and blue grains: a review. Euphytica 56: 243-258, 1991
Thanks for reminding me of this publication, Dirk!
I will check it.
Just wanted to know if you found the origin.
Not yet, alas.