The multifarious origins of food

Could it be that we neglected to say anything at all back in the summer of 2016 about our friend Colin Khoury’s paper Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide? I can hardly believe it, but I can’t find anything at all in the blog’s archives. Weird in the extreme. ((Maybe I thought the work blog would be enough?)) We were very good about Colin’s Increasing homogeneity in global food supplies and the implications for food security, but we seem to have dropped the ball on the follow-up. Anyway, here’s the money quote from the abstract:

Countries are highly interconnected with regard to primary regions of diversity of the crops they cultivate and/or consume. Foreign crops are extensively used in food supplies (68.7% of national food supplies as a global mean are derived from foreign crops) and production systems (69.3% of crops grown are foreign). Foreign crop usage has increased significantly over the past 50 years, including in countries with high indigenous crop diversity.

You can explore the data on CIAT’s wonderful companion interactive website.

I bring this up now because Colin has come up with neat infographics illustrating how even nationally iconic foods like pizza can trace the origins of their ingredients to multiple regions of the world.

Now to do it for Mseto wa Maharagwe.

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