Wanna use molecular markers to help you manage tropical trees? ICRAF has the book for you. Thanks, Ian.
Nibbles: Seeds, Seeds, Semen, Seeds, Source, Souris, Sustainability
- Botswana’s main seed supplier pushes hybrid seeds.
- Ethiopia lists its genebank holdings.
- Scientific American on consequences of lack of livestock diversity.
- Creating tomorrow’s heirlooms, Bishop salutes amateur breeders.
- New Agriculturist on bananas et al.
- Climate change bad for fish too.
- Black rats bad for other rats too.
- Sustainable wine.
Nibbles: Toms, Virus, Svalbard, CIRAD
- More on those purple tomatoes. And there’s lots more where that came from.
- Virus weakens the response of genes that normally boost defense against pest.
- “Superman had it right.”
- Yeah, but France has genebanks too.
- Dispatches from Terra Madre: “How are you fighting racism in your food community?”
Nibbles: Creole cooking, Cattle, Greenhouses, Cartograms
- Seychelles’ “living botanical herbarium of Creole Culture.”
- Kerala tries to save Vechur cattle.
- Terra Madre day 3: Tom ♥ Vandana.
- Pix of how intelligent greenhouses can be used to grow huge vegetables. I wonder if these technique can be applied to regenerating accessions in genebanks
- Don’t you just love cartograms?
Nibbles: Funding, Cow Gods, Ãœber Bee, Rice, Bushmeat, Oaks
- $50 million for climate change. Must be some for agricultural biodiversity. Via, which has the application forms.
- How the Egyptians came to venerate cattle.
- Building a better bee.
- Official US rice harvest forecasts 20% too high. Chinese comment: “Without rice, even the cleverest housewife cannot cook.”
- How about without bushmeat?
- IUCN lists endangered oaks. Know any ex situ collections? Tell IUCN!