India clones the buffalo, solves the milk problem

There was a wonderfully informative article on buffalo cloning in Northern Voices Online — tag line: “Connecting Indians Globally” — a few days back. Here’s a few of the interesting tidbits that it serves up (though I haven’t yet verified the information, I should add). A buffalo has been cloned in India for the second time, this one by the name of Garima. The first survived only a few days. India is the world’s largest milk producer (15% of total global production); 55% of that is contributed by buffalo. India’s first cross-bred cow, named Jill, was produced in 1909 at the Imperial Institute of Animal Husbandry Bangalore, by crossing an Ayrshire with the local Haryana breed. And so on.

Now, in such a well-informed and data-laden article, it is surprising not to hear the other side of the story as well. Why not say something about the importance of conserving, continuing to use, and improving local breeds, while all this cross-breeding and cloning is going on? Why not mention the work of the National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources? After all, it will be a long time before cloned elite buffaloes are contributing to that 55%.

One Reply to “India clones the buffalo, solves the milk problem”

  1. What is the point of cloning??? Just more milk.. Don’t have to I guess Use more Oxytocin…

    It’s banned everywhere, But indian peoples use this Injection usally on all plant to grow it fast.. Like Tori (Zuchini), Sqauash, Cocumber…
    It’s just not the farmers, It’s all medical shops who sold these one over the counter without any authorization.. All Medical Inspector they get bribe including DM and get paid from Govt.. and also from all Medical stores.. I even know they get free of cost stuff as bribe from all local food industries including all local Milk Diaries … I just can say entire Govt. system is fucked up including Local Govt.. as well as Central govt.. Everyone is involved in this all shit… becase of damn money…

    Why govt.. does not ban on this product at all.. and tell all manufacturing medicine indust… stop mnfg’ing it… .. I just heard about 3-G specturm ..Another one..

    It’s nothing now peoples are buying “Synthetic Milk” from market which is another worse thing…

    Just mix this synthetic powder and disolve in water… and sell it.. No one cares In india…Intersting thing is even though all local DM they know what is going on…but they don’t send the samples to lab…

    It’s not enough… Even though all Banana’s before they ripe .. they put some sort of Chemical in water and take the banana out right way.. which get ripe within hours not even have to wait over night…

    It look like this is only way India’n population will stop growing ..

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