Nibbles: Organocontroversy, Small farms, Organic can feed world, Cashmere

3 Replies to “Nibbles: Organocontroversy, Small farms, Organic can feed world, Cashmere”

  1. Re: the 3rd nibble
    I can’t believe Geoffery Lean has a job. That’s the same incompetent “journalist” that misreported Barney Gordon’s study “Manganese Nutrition of Glyphosate-Resistant and Conventional Soybeans”.

    1. Geoffrey is generally considered the “doyen” of environmeental journalists in the UK. Which is not to say that I agree with either of you in this instance.

      1. Really? The doyen, you say. He blatantly creates fiction! I understand that journalists don’t usually bother with citations, but they are supposed to check sources before they include a “fact” in an article that portrays itself as “fact”. I don’t even what to know what the junior environmental journalists in the UK are doing.

        The comment by Victor on 10 Aug says it all:

        It is a pity that Geoffrey Lean did not read, as I have done today the UNCTAD/UNEP report of 2008 before writing his article.

        If he had done so he would not have been able to write “Study after study show that organic techniques can provide much more food per acre in developing countries than conventional chemical-based agriculture.” There were no comparisons between organic and “chemical-based agriculture”. What the studies showed was that if you give advice about the better use of animal manure, compost soil cultivation and management etc then yields can be increased from an extremely low yield base.

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