5 Replies to “What plant would YOU save?”

  1. Potato comes quickly to mind… Good mix of nutrients, very high yield and you can actually make a lot of good foods with it (well, I guess less so if there are no other plants to flavor it with…)

  2. Id save corn. Definitely one of the natural worlds most perfect foods. Can be used for so much. You can eat it fresh, cook it, pop its kernels for a snack; dry it and grind it for meal and make bread. It can be stored easily and used throughout the winter. You can even make it into a drinkable form like corn malt whiskey! :)

  3. Toss up between apple of fig tree. Apples are now coming to stores in NYC (local NY State apples) but I really like figs too.
    Wrote my thesis on orange tree cultivation and I’m tired of them :^)

  4. Maize is also my choice, because we have the whole industrial machinery in place to process it into a wide range of products.

    If I had to go one plant extinct, it would probably also maize. It would make the world a lot more agrobiodiverse.

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