Hairy pig hits limelight

They don’t say whether it is the famous Lincolnshire Curly Coat, but it looks like it might be. ((Or maybe it’s a Mangalitsa, from Hungary.)) Now, if only they could make them pocket-sized

Thanks, Cary.

UPDATE (17 Fe. 2016): Well, “they” were the LA Times, and both the story and video to which we linked back in 2010 are no more. But the “sheep pig” in question probably was the Mangalitza, and the story of how it was rescued from oblivion is actually pretty cool.

One Reply to “Hairy pig hits limelight”

  1. The in-flight magazine of EasyJet had an article on Mangalitsa, but these are reddish.

    Mangalitsa is served in a restaurant in Carbonero de Mayor at a 15 min drive from our place. HavenĀ“t had a chance the try it yet…

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