Kava makeover

Kava (a drink made from the roots of Piper methysticum) has a bad rep in some quarters. When I was in the South Pacific I blogged about it several times, and even did a little photo essay about it. It is an important part of traditional life in places live Vanuatu, Tonga and Fiji, as well as a source of income to many smallholders, and can make for a relaxing evening with friends. It does have a definite downside if you overindulge. But then so do most things, I guess. There have been health scares about it in Europe, but they are pretty much unfounded. Anyway, there’s a piece on the BBC today (and thanks to Hannes for pointing it out to me) which tells of efforts in Vanuatu to defend the drink. It quotes Vincent Lebot, kava expert, and friend.

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