- The Australians have turned the sod on a new genebank. Can’t have too many genebanks.
- Climate change model reveals the differences between coffee and mango. Can’t have too many models. Or mangoes.
- GMO tomato that is not GMO and is purple could result in healthier, cheaper tomatoes. Can’t have too much confusion.
- Fantastically interesting infographic on where greenhouse gases come from. Can’t have too many good infographics.
- Among which I include Pop Chart Lab’s new taxonomic poster of The Various Varieties of Fruits. Fruit is good for you. And tomato is not a fruit
- A late addition: chickpea genome sequenced — twice. Can’t have too many chickpea genomes, as Nigel Chaffey explains.
You’ll notice that the photo of the “GMO” purple tomato is from Oregon State University. It’s actually a photo of one experimental line from Jim Myers classical breeding program that last year released a new purple commercial variety. Here’s the press release they took it from: http://horticulture.oregonstate.edu/purple_tomato_faq
Pop Chart Lab’s fruit taxonomy……..eeeeeuuuuuuuuwwwwww!