- Tequila!
- Fruitipedia.
- Rotation rediscovered.
- Japan potatoes diversify.
- The genetics of dog behaviour.
- Freakonomist pleads for information. Is the banana doomed, or what?
- Ancient Egyptians stored grain and wine.
- 3,600 year old wapato tubers found in Canada. Wawhat?
- Sarko wants UNESCO to protect French cuisine. Yeah because on its own it just doesn’t have a chance.
Wapato is a lovely plant to grow in shallow ponds. I grew it in my polytunnel, and the tubers are good to eat. But I think the main reason I grew it was because I read somewhere that the women of the First North Americans harvested it by wading through the water and using their toes to feel for the tubers in the mud.
That seemed worth trying to replicate in deepest Somerset.