- The UK is fully on board for Rio+20 to “prioritize sustainable agriculture”.
- Maybe they saw ILRI’s number on mixed crops and livestock?
- The Japanese say that restoring the surrounding ecosystem is what restored rice production after last year’s tsunami. So they will support the UK?
- Amateur trials genebank’s asparagus varieties. I got a great bean that way.
- AoBblog catches up with the pigeonpea priority problem.
- “‘We now know exactly what we need to do to fix the broken tomato,’ said Harry Klee of the University of Florida.” You couldn’t make this science knows how stuff up.
- A new use for liquorice: treating type 2 diabetes.
- Something is eating the palms of Antigua, including the coconut palms. I’m no expert, but the symptoms look a lot like the work of the red palm weevil, our Roman palm disaster.