- An interview with the legendary Melaku Worede.
- Rwanda has to go from 100 to 30,000 ha of bananas, apparently.
- Coconut water good for athletes. And the rest of us too, actually.
- Gates Foundation launches a “community page.”
- Bolivians going back to their food roots.
- “…better integration of health and agricultural interventions and policy” needed. Seconded.
- “[A] graphical accounting of the limits to what one planet can provide.” Groovy climate change stuff.
- And if that left you gasping for more, here’s “Socioeconomic consequences of climate change in Sub-equatorial Africa related to the agricultural sector”.
- “Mediterranean” diet set for World Heritage Listing. Maybe. Spaniards, Greeks to object?
- Kenya’s macadamia crop threatened, but help is at hand. In other news, Kenya has a macadamia crop.
- Equilibrium goes Nuts.