- GardenSearch just got way more complicated.
- Today’s silver bullet is an Australian grasspea variety. Actually the first Australian grasspea variety.
- Our friend Nik goes to town on IRRI’s wild relatives.
- How to breed sweet potatoes. The saga continues.
- Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.
- ILRI uses the particular to make points about the general. Clever.
- Californian fine-foraging. I wonder if any of the diners will also read the following piece and be inspired to do their foraging further afield.
- Angelenos learn about Vavilov’s Principle.
- A forester argues for forests in the Rio+20 process. Mandy Rice-Davies applies.
- Tanzanian Regional Commissioner urges farmers to sow sorghum and millet. If necessary, they can learn from …
- Farmers in Tamil Nadu, who helped scientists learn lots more about local millets, and got a publication into the bargain.
- Who’s doing what in Kenya in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Genebank scrapes in, though not by name, under KARI.